


Saturday 17 September 2020


94th meeting 



We have been having meetings only online ever since the coronavirus pandemic broke out. But, this time, a limited number of members got together at a physical venue, and we tested a hybrid meeting.


There were four speeches today. The best speaker award went to “K”, who shared the process of stocktaking her life during speech preparation. There have been a wide variety of experiences as a sexual minority so far – those she has overcome, those she is still struggling with, and those she feels pain even just to recall. Only after sorting out those memories, we share with the club members, get their empathy, and feel relieved. “K” reminded us all that preparing and delivering speeches has such an effect.


Apart from that, the second speaker “A” introduced a process of creating a new club logo. The third speaker “U” taught us how to avoid food poisoning. The fourth speaker “Y” shared with us a challenge of same sex couples in renting a flat.


Four experienced members evaluated each of those four speeches. There is no teacher at Toastmasters. As an audience, peer members revert to speakers how they perceived, how the speech could be better conveyed and communicated in their view. Concise to-the-point evaluations were given to all the speakers.


“A” featured “love” for the table-topic speech session today. Partner, Parents, Family, and Cry. Longing for love as the outside temperature plummets, members gave impromptu speeches on those themes to shorten the distance with other people.

次回会合の後、11/14(土)にはいよいよ、ニューヨークのプライドTMCとの合同例会です。東京とニューヨーク。場所は違っても、性的マイノリティとしての悩みは同じなのか、違うのか。違うとすれば何が違うのか。待ちきれません。With Coronaとなりグローバル展開を広げる東京レインボーTMC。この先の展開が楽しみです!

After the next meeting, we will finally have a joint meeting with New York-based Pride TMC on Sat 14 November. Between Tokyo and New York, does the life as a sexual minority differ and, if so, how? We cannot wait! Under the “with-corona” environment, the field of Tokyo Rainbow TMC is becoming global. We look so much forward to our evolution in the future!

Written by Toshi