【第179回例会】2024年7月6日(土) 通常例会

 【第179回例会】2024年7月6日(土) 通常例会、参加者は合計17人 (会場:12人、オンライン:2人、うちゲストは3人)。直前の2時間位、ものすごい雷雨で来場者はびっしょりになって到着した方もいました。



【今夜の言葉 Word of the Evening】 担当:Yさん。文字通り、literally






Cさん:今月は「Disabilities Awareness Month」なので、障害について学ぼうと思いASLアメリカ手話を学び始めた。自己紹介は手話付きでします。







最近、OPT  apparelというブランドでトランス男性・ノンバイナリー・マスキュリンな服を扱っているのを知り、しっくりくるのに感動した。やはり自分自身を表現する、好きな物を着るのは大事なこと。

OPT  apparel https://opt-apparel.jp/ 

2.日本語のスピーチ「復習の復讐ーPART2 」。Bさん。以前日本語でしたスピーチ。ユードリというアプリを紹介してきました。「えーとカウンター」の機能があるのをご紹介します。ユードリー→エクササイズ→No Filler→クリック→Add More→もっと難しい設定を選べる→時間を選ぶ→お題が出る"What is your favorite film?"→ スピーチを始める →話し終わるとすぐMissesの回数が表示される

【テーブルトピック】  テーマは「ぶんぶんじゃー」。ベスト賞は、Yさんでした!


2.ぶんぶんじゃーのリーダーは「瀑あがる」ときにしか行動しない。あなたが瀑上がるときはいつ?When do you get excited? What excites you? BRさん











【告知】 CJは、吹きガラスの展覧会について。 An exhibition of blown glass





179th Regular Meeting
Saturday, July 6, 2024
Regular Meeting, with a total of 17 participants (12 in person, 2 online, including 3 guests). Due to the severe thunderstorm just before the meeting, some attendees arrived soaking wet.

President's Address
Our new president, U-san, gave her first opening address. We're looking forward to seeing her progress in English!


Word of the Evening
担当: Y-san. "literally"

Y-san (double role).

Vote Counter

Ah-Counter / Grammarian
KJ-san (double role).

Rainbow Session
This week's Rainbow Moment,担当: T-san.

  • KJ-san: Traveled for Pride Month!
  • C-san: Since this month is "Disabilities Awareness Month," I started learning ASL (American Sign Language) to understand more about disabilities. I will introduce myself in sign language.
  • G-san: First-time guest participant. I learned about this meeting from T-san last month and decided to join.

Prepared Speeches
Both speakers exceeded the 7 minutes 30 seconds limit, so they were disqualified from voting.

  1. Japanese Speech "What Will You Wear?" by U-san
    As a child, there was a clear sense that "red = girls' color," and I hated "girly clothes." I refused to wear skirts and wore bell-bottom jeans in the 1970s. The box-pleated uniform was a dark period. Nowadays, there are high schools where you can choose uniforms, but in my time, you couldn't. I thought I liked masculine clothing, but I struggled with whether I was transgender. I worried so much that my periods stopped for months. When asked by the gynecologist if I had any worries, I said, "Nothing that serious." Then I learned about the brand OPT apparel (https://opt-apparel.jp/) and spoke with the president, Uchiyama-san.

  2. Japanese Speech "Revenge of Review - PART 2" by B-san
    Previously given in Japanese. Introduced the app "U-dory." Explained the "Ah-Counter" feature. U-dory → Exercise → No Filler → Click → Add More → Choose a harder setting → Select time → A topic appears, "What is your favorite film?" → Start speaking → The number of misses is displayed immediately after speaking.

Table Topics
The theme was "Bunbunja." The best award went to Y-san!

  1. K-san: Do you like the royal road?
  2. BR-san: The leader of Bunbunja only acts when they "explode." When do you get excited? What excites you?
  3. T-san: What is your deciding factor when doing something? Is it beneficial in the long run even if it's tough initially, like golf or English?
  4. C-san: When do you feel like you're in control of your life? I have ADHD, so I feel in control when I'm on medication. I used to think I didn't need it for a long time (about 30 years), but now that I take it, I feel its effects. I believe my life would have been easier if I had started taking it earlier. So, if anyone is struggling with whether to take medication, it helps to have someone to talk to about it.
  5. Y-san: How would you respond if someone told you they want to take control of their life but can't? I would ask why they feel they can't. I can't give advice, but everyone is the protagonist of their own movie. A movie can't be made alone, and there are many supporting characters around you, but you are the main character.
  6. S-san: Robots sing "Everyone is different, everyone is good" at the end. What do you want to proudly highlight about yourself even if it's different? I don't have much to highlight. I want to find things I haven't noticed about myself.


  • K-san evaluated U-san's speech. It was like a prepared speech itself, with powerful voice, vocal variety, and a bright and cheerful voice.
  • T-san evaluated B-san's speech. Literal "revenge" and "review" were achieved. He pointed out specific details like how to reduce filler words and offered improvement suggestions, which was impressive. His memory is remarkable, comparing the previous and the one before. Few people can do that.

The best evaluation award went to K-san.

General Evaluation
C-san. It's very unusual that both prepared speeches were disqualified from voting. G-san, as TMOE, was as confident as always.

Guest Comments
They appreciated hearing everyone's stories, which is the club's best feature.

CJ mentioned an exhibition of blown glass.
Tiffany announced a screening of a documentary film about the LGBTQ community in Shibuya.
G suggested visiting the colorful cafe in Hayama, an LGBTQ+-friendly beach house, on the fifth Saturday of August 31st, the last day of business. Details are on Slack.

Request from the Education Officer
Please update your attendance in the Kakitani system.

Post-meeting Survey
Recently, there have been fewer responses, so please cooperate.