Saturday 7 November 2020
95th meeting
Today’s meeting was our first official hybrid meeting. Thanks to the hard work of G san, were were able to secure a venue with WIFI access and LGBTQ friendly. So, we had people participate online and also participants show up at the venue.
今日の会議は、私たちの最初の公式ハイブリッド会議でした。 Gさんの努力のおかげで、WIFIアクセスとLGBTQフレンドリーな会場を確保することができました。そこで、オンラインで参加してもらい、会場にも参加してもらいました。
We learned that we will be losing our current secretary, H-san as she will be going to Europe to work and live. In her stead we welcome C-san, who has volunteered for the officer role. Thank you H-san for your hard work and welcome C-san as a new TRTMC officer!
私たちは、現在の秘書であるHさんが仕事と生活のためにヨーロッパに行くため、彼女を失うことになることを知りました。彼女の代わりに、役員の役割に志願したCさんを歓迎します。 Hさん、お疲れ様でした。CさんをTRTMCの新役員として歓迎します!
Tonights TMOE was C-san and they did a wonderful job leading the meeting.
As per usual we had a bilingual meeting with both English and Japanese explanations and speeches.
Our LGBTQ Lecture was very interesting as H-san showed us clips from the first gay film from mainland China. Made in the 1980s the film told the story of a romance budding between an officer and a young man. Because the entire film was in Mandarin, H-san kept us informed by providing commentary throughout the viewing. In this way we were able to get a peak at the LGBTQ culture in mainland China 30 years ago.
私たちのLGBTQレクチャーは、Hさんが中国本土からの最初のゲイ映画からのクリップを見せてくれたので非常に興味深いものでした。 1980年代に制作されたこの映画は、将校と青年の間のロマンスの芽生えの物語を語っています。映画全体がマンダリンにあったので、Hさんは視聴中に解説を提供することで私たちに情報を提供し続けました。このようにして、30年前に中国本土のLGBTQ文化でピークを迎えることができました。
We hear two prepared speeches from Y-san and T-san. Y-san told us about the difficulties many LGBTQ couples face when finding a rental property in Japan. She told us her own personal story of how she and her partner were able to successfully find a property even through prejudice and hardship.
YさんとTさんから2つの準備されたスピーチが聞こえます。 Yさんは、LGBTQのカップルが日本で賃貸物件を探す際に直面する困難について話してくれました。彼女は、彼女と彼女のパートナーが、偏見と苦難の中でも、どのようにして財産を見つけることができたのかについての彼女自身の個人的な話を私たちに話しました。
T-san gave an amazing impromptu speech about how we often put on a show and change ourselves in order to be “cool” or “appealing” to those we are attracted to. With a personal experience, T-san illustrated a story between himself and a friend he was trying to impress.
Table topics were prepared and asked by L-san. Today’s topic was on AI and advertising and how it has impacted us in our daily lives. With well-thought-out questions we were able to share our feelings and thoughts on the current way of advertising and what we think about the ads we are being exposed to.
Overall, it was successful hybrid meeting that was smooth and professional.
Written by A