Saturday 30 January 2021
100th meeting
東京レインボートーストマスターズクラブ (TRTMC) はアジアで唯一の「LGBTQ+とAllyのためのクラブ」として、2016年12月にローンチし、2017年6月にチャーターしました。「安心/Safe」「多様性/Diversity」そして「スキルアップ/Skill up」を3つの柱として、セクシュアリティや年齢、性別、国籍などがさまざまなメンバーが月に2回集まってスピーチを学んでいます。
今回のTMOD(開催がお昼だったため“Toast Masters Of Day”の頭文字をとっています)は、100回記念イベントの企画チームリーダーでもあるGさん。イベントはTRTMCの立ち上げから現在までを振り返るフォトムービー「TRTMC Journey」でスタート!
続いてLさんによる「Rainbow Moment of the (TR)TMC」では、TRTMCや、それぞれの所属クラブにまつわる出来事をみんなでシェア。
Taさん『Coming out』…これぞTRTMC!カミングアウトにまつわるストーリー。
Tokyo Rainbow Toastmasters Club holds 100th regular meeting! !!
Tokyo Rainbow Pride Masters Club (TRTMC) was launched in December 2016 and chartered in June 2017 as the only “club for LGBTQ + and Ally” in Asia. With "Safe", "Diversity" and "Skill up" as the three pillars, members of various sexuality, age, gender, nationality, etc. gather twice a month to learn speeches. ..
Such TRT MC is finally on January 30, 2021! We have reached the 100th memorable meeting! !!
On this day, we decided to take the form of a special meeting called "100th Regular Meeting Commemorative Event" instead of the regular meeting. Several times we had discussions with the planning and management members who gathered for the event ... Al, A, L, T, Uko ... This is a great opportunity, so let's talk to not only former members and guests, but also those who helped us when the club was launched and members of LGBTQ + clubs around the world! The dream spread.
And on the day of the event. We welcomed a large number of participants, 16 members and 18 guests from all over the world, for a total of 34 people, and held a grand "100th regular meeting commemorative event"! !!
This TMOD (which is an acronym for "Toast Masters Of Day" because it was held at noon) is Mr. G, who is also the planning team leader of the 100th anniversary event. The event starts with a photo movie "TRTMC Journey" that looks back from the launch of TRTMC to the present!
Next, in "Rainbow Moment of the (TR) TMC" by Mr. L, everyone shared the events related to TRTMC and their respective clubs.
After that, the "Best of Best TRT MC Speech" is followed by the speeches of all four people. For this day, I took a "speech to the heart" questionnaire to the members, and the one selected was
Mr. T "Welcome back" ... What is a "family"? What is happiness? A heart-warming story that asks.
Ta-san "Coming out" ... This is TRTMC! A story about coming out.
Mr. G "1 / 859 happiness" ... A speech that makes you think about the relationship between mental disabilities and minorities.
Tak-san "Jump" ... What is "masculinity"? What is "femininity"? A story full of humor that makes you think.
The above four speeches were gems that were hard to put on.
Next is the "Kahoot! Challenge" corner by Al. Kahoot! Trivia about TRTMC and TMC will be given using an app called (Kahoot). A lot of questions were asked, from the ones that make you laugh involuntarily to the ones that make you laugh (the total number of people who have joined TRTMC so far is 60!). Everyone who participated should have become familiar with TRTMC! LOL
The event is proceeding smoothly, and it is finally the announcement of the legacy.
Al announced the website renewal, and A announced the original logo of TRTMC, and with a greeting from Chairman G, the 100th regular meeting commemorative event ended.
The days when I can't meet people because of the corona sickness continue. But you can connect with people all over the world online. It was a wonderful event that showed such a possibility.
One person said, "The big attraction of TRT MC's speech is that you can expose yourself personally and sympathize with the courage of other speakers." I'm with you. Most of our club members are LGBTQ + parties, so they are side by side with things like oppression, discrimination, and self-acceptance in everyday life, and are sensitive to those topics. Even if you can't speak at work or school, you can speak with confidence in the club. Such an environment may lead to speeches that are easy to self-disclosure and sympathize with.
TRTMC will continue to hold regular meetings twice a month. Guests (visitors) are also welcome! If you are interested, please feel free to apply from the link "Visit application form" in the "Inquiry" page of the website. Let's make a colorful meeting together! !!
Author: G (Team L)