Saturday 06 March 2021
102nd meeting
The 102nd Tokyo Rainbow Toastmasters Club Meeting was called to order by VP G-san.
Today, we were joined by 1 guest, TM H-san.
T-san had her induction ceremony today as well.
This evening’s Toastmaster of the Evening (TMOE) was TM C-san.
Our Word of the Evening (WOTE) this evening & Ah-counter was handled by A-san, performing a double-role.
Today’s Timer was K-san, the Vote-counter was T-san. the Grammarian was TM L-san.
Our unique TRTMC session, “Rainbow Moment of the Week” was led by T-san, who started with a movie he wanted to watch.
私たちのユニークなTRTMCセッション「RainbowMomentof the Week」は、見たい映画から始めたTさんが主導しました。
There was no 5-mins LGBT lecture today.
We listened to three fantastic speeches this evening by our new member, TM G-san, U-san and A-san. I personally found A-san icebreaker speech to be hilarious!! ^O^
今晩、新メンバーのTM Gさん、Uさん、Aさんの3つの素晴らしいスピーチを聞きました。個人的には、あさんの砕氷船のスピーチがおもしろいと思いました! ^ O ^
Today’s TableTopics session was led by TM A-san, on the topic of “Big changes.” As an introduction, she mentioned that she decided to change her job!
The General Evaluation was by me, A.
It seems that A-san was quite distressed to realize that he need to handle 2 roles simultaneously. I did not introduce him in Japanese in the helper report session. As a result, he didn’t have the chance to report the Word of the evening counts! >,<
一般評価は私、アによるものでした。 Aさんは2つの役割を同時に処理する必要があることに気づき、かなり苦しんでいたようです。ヘルパーレポートでは日本語で紹介しませんでした。その結果、彼は夕方の言葉のカウントを報告する機会がありませんでした! >、<
The meeting ended today on a successful note, with the award for TableTopics going to C-san, the award for the Evaluation going to C-san, and finally but certainly not least, the award for the best Prepared Speech going to a very much deserving G-san!
ミーティングは本日成功裏に終了し、TableTopicsの賞はCさんに、評価の賞はCさんに、そして最後に重要なこととして、最高の準備されたスピーチの賞は非常に多くの賞を受賞しました。 Gさんにふさわしい!
Congratulations everyone!
We hope that our guest enjoyed this meeting with us and we are looking very much forward to the next, almost Spring!, TRTMC meetings!
Report prepared by TM A-san