

Hello fellow Toastmasters! The role of General Evaluator is a mirror to show ourself how we can be best, given the choice and resources. Toastmasters Of The Evening U San, delivered a couple of roles and a wonderful job in both TMOE & Vote Counter roles.
Word of the Evening, T San, provided us a fascinating word “discreet”. Very unique in selecting for us to learn and how to use it. Unique words really challenge us all in thinking and it’s a good thing. And they also beautifully hosted our Rainbow Moment of the Week. On their meeting, we had two wonderful speakers, Toastmasters F san and S San. We congratulate them with their first ice breaker speeches. It takes me back in time and I’m sure everyone can resonate with.

I applaud F san for not having a script on their first ever speech with us. It was very natural and we are looking forward to hearing their ice breaker speech in Japanese next time.
S San, delivered their first speech so well too. They both didn’t even look like it’s their first time so I’m very proud of their accomplishments. The first evaluator K San, made well put comments towards F san ice breaker speech. Their delivery, analysis and clarity of their thoughts are very valuable. Very much well done and a fantastic job.

The second evaluator in that evening, Y San gave brilliant comments towards S San’s ice breaker speech. Great analysis and so much clarity. I felt the warmth in their evaluation. The Table Topic Master, KK San was the first time role. Table Topics session was very fascinating questions and topics about happiness and life. Thanking each speaker after they answer was very nice. I’m grateful to our grammarian and Ah Counter L San, for doing double roles. Very impressed on the well detailed commenting on each Toastmasters for improvements.

T San for the Timer role. Both of them did a fantastic job as always and for doing in English as well. Let me also extend my gratitude to K San, for translating both languages on the chat board. They really help everyone to understand and be more engaged. Not just tonight but they have been doing it lately. So we really thank their for the voluntarily even if it’s not an assign roles. 

Overall we finished the meeting early and was able to do catching up and chat after the meeting. So that’s really great! A message I want to say every time as a reminder…..“Our stories matter…and it’s very important to share everyone all their stories that we also shared in our meetings. I always think that their is a great opportunity for all of us to practice and build that confidence we need in order to speak up and educate everyone around us about us!”

With love and gratitude,


トーストマスターズの皆さん、こんにちは。総合評価者の役割は、選択肢とリソースがあれば、どのようにベストを尽くすことができるかを自分自身に示す鏡になることです。Toastmasters Of The EveningUサンは、2つの役割と、TMOEと投票カウンターの両方の役割で素晴らしい仕事をしました。




Sさん、初スピーチもとても上手でした。二人とも初めてとは思えないほど上手で、とても誇らしいです。F さんのアイスブレイク・スピーチに対して、一人目の評価者である K さんは、よくぞ言ってくれました。また、Fさんのアイスブレイク・スピーチに対するコメントも非常に的確で、その表現力、分析力、考え方の明快さは大変貴重なものでした。非常によくできた、素晴らしい仕事です。

2人目の評価者であるYさんは、Sさんのアイスブレイク・スピーチに対して、見事なコメントを残しています。素晴らしい分析で、とても分かりやすかったです。評価に、温かみを感じました。Table Topic MasterKK Sanは、初めての役でした。テーブルトピックのセッションは、幸せや人生についての質問とトピックがとても魅力的でした。回答後の一人一人のスピーカーへのお礼の言葉がとても素敵でした。文法担当のAh Counter L Sanさん、一人二役でありがとうございました。各トーストマスターの改善点を細かくコメントしていただき、とても感心しました。



