


Uさんは、5分間LGBTQ+ レクチャーで、「Gay Games」について教えてくれました。オリンピック開催年とは2年ずらした4年ごとに開催される、性的少数者だけでなく、誰もがありのままの自分で参加できる競技が用意されていて、次回は2023年に香港で開催が予定されているそうです。










The meeting on Saturday, July 2 was a hybrid of online and on-site; we had three guests, eight from the venue and three online.

L-san chose "riveting" as Word of the Evening.

U-san gave a 5-minute LGBTQ+ Lecture on the Gay Games. The Gay Games are held every four years, two years apart from the year of the Olympics, and they offer competitions in which everyone, not just sexual minorities, can participate as they are.

The first to give a preparatory speech was T-san. They tried their first speech in Japanese. It was their first time to make a speech in Japanese. They talked about the difficulties experienced in their private life as a trans woman.

The second preparatory speech was by G-san. They chose a presentation format for the speech, explaining the structure of Toastmasters and how the organization works as an international organization, as well as providing time for a Q&A session. It was a timely topic that helped the guests understand Toastmasters at the first meeting of the new term.

Table Topic Master was K-san. They was excited to pose questions on a variety of "climate" related topics, triggered by the daily heat, with high temperatures being recorded daily.

In the discussion session, T-san and U-san, gave their comments on their respective prepared speeches, and feedback was given to improve their speeches.

Since the number of participants in this meeting was small, several people took on multiple roles.

L-san, this term's president, took on four roles, starting with declaring the meeting open, then the TMOE, the timekeeper, and the word of the evening, and S-san also took on the, Ah counter and Vote counter roles.

In the General Evaluation (GE), Y-san gave an overall review of the meeting and expressed the appreciation for the smooth operation of the meeting, especially with the small number of participants, by taking on multiple roles and the mutual support of the members at the hybrid venue.

At the end of the meeting, Ko-san, who was participating as a guest for the third time, announced his intention to join the TRTMC, and all members were overjoyed with this happy news.

Original Japanese script is written by Y