




例会の最初の山場は、Rainbow Moment of the Week。最近みんなが、レインボーや多様性を感じた瞬間を共有し合うセッションです。今週はちょうど東京地裁で同性婚に関する判断が出たこともあり、その話題もあがりました。




考えさせられるスピーチの後は、即興スピーチ(Table Topic)のコーナーです。今回は、21分もの時間をかけて7人が、「2022年を振り返って」というお題の下で、色々な思いを吐露しました。パートナーと住むための「土地」を買ったYさん。スキルアップのためにMBAの勉強をしたAさん。福岡や京都で新しい発見をしたTさん。“Are you the one for me?”という本を推薦してくれたKさん。スピーチで自分の過去を掘り起こし、自分が好きだったピアノを再開したTさん。Disney未体験をカミングアウトして、パートナーと行くことになったKさん。みんなそれぞれの夢や希望、幸せのおすそ分けを頂きました。




Time passes very fast. The temperature is plummeting, and we miss the warmth of people.
It was in this season that the 142nd meeting was convened. Once again, the meeting was
held in a hybrid format, with a venue and an online connection.
The TMOE (organiser of the meeting) this time was U-san. As she informed us of our roles as
early as a week in advance, we were all set ready. We also glimpsed an MC script in her hands!
The quality of the meeting rises with the amount of time everyone has spent on preparation.
Today, too, we had a wonderful meeting where everyone's power came together, having a dense time,
which is the real thrill of Toastmasters.
We began the meeting with our signature “Rainbow Moment of the Week”, a session where everyone
shares a recent moment when they felt a rainbow or diversity. This week, the Tokyo District Court
had just issued a decision on same-sex marriage, which was covered by a couple of members too.
Afterwards, the prepared speeches were delivered. Today, two speeches were given by C-san and
G-san, respectively.
C-san's speech title was 'I am Kimura'. What is that? When C-san from the US makes a
restaurant reservation in Japan, it is difficult to get through when they say their real name.
Some even hear it as “hot potatoes." But their partner, who is also from the US,
uses the name “Kimura”, which sounds similar to his real name. As an audience,
I wondered why they stick to their real name that much - no matter how inconvenient it is.
On the surface, this speech was a humorous one, but at a deeper level, it has something to do
with “accepting who you are, and being recognised as who you are”,
which may sound obvious but not really so for LGBTQ. A thoughtful, wonderful speech I thought.
G-san's speech was entitled "Freedom of Marriage for All: Hearing the Judgment in the
Tokyo First Lawsuit". She explained the background to the lawsuit against the Tokyo District Court,
where the judgement was issued this week, and why plaintiffs are seeking 'compensation'.
G-san also gave a detailed explanation of what the judgement means by saying
'unconstitutional state' rather than 'unconstitutional'. In my view, laws should be the rules everyone
sets to make everyone’s life easy. Yet, a person born as LGBTQ cannot create their own family
with a partner they naturally love. The sexual majority leaves unattended or turns down to change such
a discriminatory system that lags behind the rest of the world because it does not affect them.
Can we call such a country an advanced country? Do you think such country is respected by the world?
Can we criticise Qatar? That is how I felt.
After the thought-provoking speeches came the impromptu speeches (Table Topic) section.
This time, seven people took 21 minutes to share their thoughts and feelings under the theme
'Looking back on the year 2022'. Y-san bought 'land' to live in with her partner. A-san studied for an MBA.
T-san made new discoveries in Fukuoka and Kyoto. K-san recommended the book "Are you the one
for me?" T-san resumed playing the piano after delivering a speech about his past pastime.
K-san, who came out as a Disney virgin, ended up going to Disney sea with K-san’s partner.
Speakers shared their dreams, hopes and happiness.
Subsequent to the table topics, it was time for evaluating the prepared speeches:
K-san evaluated C-san’s speech and A-san for G-san’s. K-san made such a high quality evaluation
– it was hard to believe that this was K-san’s first evaluation speech since joining.
'I felt so much enjoyment', 'Reasons for being moved', 'Suggestions I can make',
'What I particularly like'. The choice of words is impressive. Meanwhile, A-san,
after stressing that he had nothing to suggest for improvement, made an exquisite point:
“It's a speech to inspire the audience, so it would be good if G-san herself could share
how she felt after hearing this, her thoughts and feelings.” Everyone is amazing.
After the meeting, we had dinner at a nearby restaurant. We had drinks and enjoyed
chatting and laughing together. Even though we are all sexual minority, each of us has different
perspectives and viewpoints. This is a cozy space with gentle diversity - where you can talk things
from various angles, consult your issues with like-minded people. Guests are free to visit us for up
to three times. Would you like to have a look?

Toshi from Group G