The time flies. Today was our last meeting of this year. From December, the third Saturday of the month will also be a hybrid meeting. I am so pleased that we could have more opportunities to see in person.
Though today we had fewer attendees than usual, we were welcome our area director T-san to our meeting today! (Thank you T-san!)
Today’s TMOE was Ti-san for a long time. She facilitated smoothly in English, despite a few unexpected technical problems due to the lack of helpers at the venue, but we could overcome them through our cooperation with each other.
The word of the evening was “conspicuously”. We don’t use this word very often in conversation or speech. Even so, everyone tried their best to use it in the meeting.
In the prepared speeches, L-san talked about “medaka” which he is keeping in his room, and what he had learned from seeing them with the perception of his life. To-san provided a speech about his relationship with his Ukrainian friend and the current serious situation, and he made us what we should do in the future. Everyone listened attentively.
As for the Table topics, I was in charge of the master, who asked some questions related to “New Year”. Every answer was so inspiring to me about New Year’s gifts, Osechi cuisine, New Year’s events in a foreign country, New Year’s resolutions, and so on.
In the end, I hope that next year as well we could share our various episodes and learn about speeches, welcome many guests, and we can make it a fun community. We look forward to your participation as a guest!
Have a happy New Year!