


Cさんは、初めての役割として今夜の言葉を担当し、「Ostensibly 表向き、うわべの」を選んでくれました。語源を調べることが大好きというCさんならではの説明に、言葉の持つ奥深さを感じました。


準備スピーチ2人目は、Bさん。Toast Masters International のウェブサイト内にあるYoodoliの紹介第3弾!提示された言葉を使って話す、というゲーム機能についてのスピーチでした。



今回の総合司会のUさんからは例会の冒頭で以前会員で今は海外で暮らすAさんからのメッセージを伝えてくれました。退会してもそんな近況を聞けるような繋がりがあるのは、TRTMCがコミュニティとしての役割もも担っている故だと思います。参加人数の少なかった今回、Uさんは、例会の集計係も担当、GEのYは、計時係とRainbow sessionの司会を担当しました。

また、複数のTMCに所属するベテランでもあるゲストのNiさんは、文法係を務め、広範囲に参加者の 言葉を集めてくれました。今回の例会では「比喩表現」が多くあり、面白い発見でした。

Mさんは初めてのえーっとカウンターを務めてくれました。今後も新しい役割にどんどん挑戦してくれ そうです!



Our meeting on Saturday, November 4, was held online; we had 10 participants, including one guest.

In his first role, C-san was in charge of tonight's words and chose "Ostensibly, ostensibly". C-san's

explanation, which was unique to his love of researching etymology, showed the depth of the word.

The first prepared speech was given by To-san. Everyone listened with excitement to her speech,

which was based on an episode that was both bittersweet and sweet-sour.

The second preparatory speech was by B-san. It was the third introduction of Yoodoli on the Toast

Masters International website! His speech was about the game feature of speaking using the words

presented to you.

Table Topic Master K conducted a table topic with autumn-themed questions. Among the "autumn"

elements, many of the questions were related to food, as only K-san could do. The participants' diverse

stories were presented, as the sense of "fall" varied from country to country and culture to culture.

In the evaluation session, G-san and Ta-san evaluated each prepared speech and gave feedback to

improve their speeches.

At the beginning of the meeting, U-san, TMOE, gave us a message from A-san, a former member

who now lives overseas. I believe that TRTMC's role as a community is the reason why there is

such a connection to hear such updates even after leaving the group. U-san was in charge of

Vote counter as well due to the small number of participants at the meeting, and Y-san, a GE member,

was in charge of Timer and chairing the Rainbow session.

Guest Ni, who is a veteran of several TMCs, served as a grammarian and collected a wide range of

participants' words. There were many "figurative expressions" at this meeting, which was

an interesting discovery.

Ms. M served as our first Ah- counter. It looks like she will be taking on more and more new roles

in the future!

Y-san, the General Editor (GE), closed the meeting by expressing her appreciation for the smooth

operation of the meeting, especially in the times when the number of participants was small,

by taking charge of multiple roles and by providing mutual support to members in case of sudden

cancellations of participation.

Authored by: Y